Tuesday, September 26, 2006

This one's entitled 'Venturing a little too near the Yawning Chasm, Grand Canyon, Arizona, U.S.A.' and it's one of my favourites.
In order to view these stereographs in 3D, try the following: Look at the 2 white dots and let your eyes go ‘woozy’ until you are able to see 3 white dots. Gradually focus on the middle dot of the 3 and when you have it firmly in focus, gently lower your gaze to see the stereo effect. Some people are able to do this straight away and for others it may take quite some time to achieve – simply persevere – most people will be able to do it ultimately with a little practice.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A charming card entitled 'Daisy Days'. Sadly it's a rather damaged example but the depth of field displayed is terrific and I'm rather fond of it. Anyone happen to know anything about it?